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At-Large News

  1. En una iniciativa de colaboración entre los miembros de la comunidad At-Large y el personal a cargo de políticas dentro de la ICANN, fue publicado el documento informativo “Cuestiones de política dentro de la comunidad At-Large – Importancia para los usuarios finales ”. En el documento, se presenta una reseña de
  2. Em uma iniciativa de colaboração entre membros da comunidade At-Large e a equipe de colaboradores sobre políticas da ICANN, foi publicado um documento informativo denominado “Assuntos normativos da comunida de At-Large – Por que os usuários finais deveriam interessar-se por eles”. Este documento oferece uma visão
  3. بجهود متظافرة من قبل كل من أعضاء المجتمع ككل وكادر ICANN المسؤول عن السياسات، تم إصدار وثيقة بعنوان "مشاكل عموم المجتمع حول السياسات - لماذا ينبغي على مستخدمي الإنترنت الإهتمام ". توفّر هذه الوثيقة لمحة عامة عن 12 موضوعاً ساهم المجتمع ككل بتقديم مداخلات بخصوصها ضمن ICANN، وتتباين هذه المواضيع بين مساءلة وشفافية
  4. Благодаря совместным усилиям членов сообщества и сотрудников ICANN, занимающимися вопросами формирования политики подготовлена публикация отчета под названием «Вопросы сообщества At-Large7 относительно политики – почему конечным пользователям это должно быть небезразлично». В настоящем документе представлено 12
  5. What to Expect at ICANN57 The At-Large Advisory Committee (ALAC) and Regional At-Large Organization (RALO) leaders will focus on several policy issues important to end-users. These include the ongoing work in the CCWG-Accountability Work Stream 2 and the GNSO PDP Working Groups, as well as the development of the
  6. The ALAC enjoyed a busy period of policy advice development activities and submitted four Policy Advice Statements in response to the ICANN Public Comment proceedings, as well as the public comment initiated by the IANA Stewardship Transition Coordination Group (ICG). Notably, the ALAC has made extraordinary
  7. The At-Large Advisory Committee (ALAC) and the members of the At-Large community achieved many policy and process-related goals during the ICANN 48 Meeting that took place in Buenos Aires, Argentina 17-22 November 2013. These included ratifying three policy advice statements and establishing the At-Large
  8. The At-Large Advisory Committee has broken its 2011 record of 40 Policy Statements and notes of correspondence submitted with an all-time high of 51 in 2012. In addition to the significant growth in the development of policy statements, the ALAC has also increasingly incorporated comments from the five Regional
    Topic(s): IDN, Policy ProcessesOrganization(s): ALAC
  9. The ALAC has continued submitting a high number of policy advice statements since mid-October and is on track to significantly surpass its 2011 record of 40 statements. Between mid-October and early December, the ALAC adopted ten statements. The ALAC is currently preparing several other statements. The ALAC
  10. Announcement of Vote Round 1-21 February 2017
    Email to: ALAC-announce Also announce via: At-Large website ALAC wiki landing page RALO wiki landing pages At-Large Board Member Selection wiki At-Large Social Media Subject: Final Election of the ICANN Board Director Selected by the At-Large Community - VOTE ROUND 1 On behalf of the Board Member Selection Process